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Sunday, September 17, 2023

The untold Truth about State Question 805 in Oklahopma

Tulsa Bail Bonds Agency  As elections get near we are being hit by the calls, commercials, and solicitation of political agendas.  One that comes up often in the state of Oklahoma is State Question 805.  the way it is represented is Everyone in Oklahoma gets incarcerated for decades for first-time offenses, that is not true folks.  People need to be aware of how the system works in the first place.  please take a minute of your time and read the truth about how the system works before you vote on this bill.

Almost all if not misdemeanors in Tulsa are usually given a Deferred sentence for first-time offenders.  That means usually they have a fine to pay and are on unsupervised probation for 6 months to up to whatever the judge sees fits.  If someone were to be arrested on new charges they more than likely have an app to accelerate on their probation and more than likely get a suspended sentence which is being on stronger supervised probation but yet being free from the prison sentence. Non of this is being explained to the public and they should be made aware of this.

They want to offer more mental health programs and rehab for repeat offender ,yet we already have Mental Health Court, Drug Court, and Veterans Court to help people.  What they forget to mention is the same people pushing for these programs have friends that will run these programs, so this means more money in their pockets.and at the end of the day this is the real agenda.  They will charge people for ankle monitors, staying in these places for months at a time if they can afford it to remain out of Jail 

Thank you for your time 

Tulsa Bail Bondsman, Angel Alameda

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